Alta Lowe Davis

2066 Hubbard Ave.

Salt Lake City, UT 84108



What's happened since 1991:

I had my seventh child, a boy named Charlie.  I've moved to a different home about 7 blocks from my old house.  I've spent more time at soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, track & cross country events watching my kids play & compete.  I've driven lots of car pools & field trips, spent time on community councils & PTA Boards and cooked alot of food.  I've gotten to know some of our classmates kids who have been good friends & influences on my children, and have enjoyed the continued association with their parents.  My family goes to the Shakespeare Festival each year w/ some Ogden Families including Ted Keyes & his wife Hope.  Our two oldest duaghters have gotten married in the past year and a half and we have sent a son on a mission a year ago.  I'm still spending alot of time cooking, cleaning and caring for our 7 children & 2 wonderful son-in-laws.  Life has been very good to me and I am enjoying almost everything about it except maybe I could do w/out so much cleaning & picking up.  Luckily I have a great husband who helps alot.



Comments from 1991:

In the fall of 1971, I attended the University of Utah, graduating in 1974 in Child Development and Family Relations. I started graduate school that fall working toward a masters of Business Administration. I met my husband, T. Richard (Rick) Davis, while in graduate school. We married in the spring of 1976. He is an attorney with Callister, Duncan and Nebeker, a large legal firm in Salt Lake. We have six children, 2 girls and 4 boys: Amanda, 13, Alta, 12, Ricky 10, Ralph, 7, Jesse, 4, Russell, 19 months, and we are expecting our surprise seventh in September.

I spend most of my time going to baseball, soccer and basketball practices along with piano, tennis and swimming lessons and getting my children to do their jobs, homework and practicing. I'm an expert at doing dishes, making P. & J. sandwiches, changing diapers and washing dirty little hands and faces. I am involved in Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, administration of my kid's soccer league, politics, church, gardening, camping, hiking and vision screening. I'm enjoying my family, old and new friends and life in general.