Lori Alvord Morris
333 Edith Avenue
SLC UT 84111
464 D Street
SLC UT 84103
(801) 519-2672
Comments from 2001:
Since 1991 some aspects of my life have remained the same and some have changed. I still have two children, Christopher and Tiffany. Chris will be 23 years old in July and is presently living in Las Vegas working in the computer industry. Tiffany has successfully completed the 7th grade at Bryant Intermediate and is looking forward to doing as well in the 8th grade.
In 1992, I returned to school and completed my teaching certification at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. Since then I have been teaching English in the Granite School District. I am just beginning a new position this fall at Hunter High School where I will be teaching sophomore English and college prep. I am also going to be the junior class advisor.
Looks like I will be back in high school in the year 2001 and I will be attending the junior prom.
I was happily divorced in 1994.
Comments from 1991:
After graduating from high school, I attended Utah State for three years. I then transferred to Weber State where I graduated with a B.A. in English and a minor in sociology.
Having been so well prepared for a career, I began working at Harmon's Grocery Store as the Courtesy Booth Manager. I was later promoted to manager of the Bookkeeping Dept. (A thought which would probably strike terror into the hearts of all my math teachers.) Then I moved to Salt Lake and worked in the Accounts Payable Dept. of the main office. I worked for Harmon's for about ten years. I have spent the last 3 1/2 years at home (sometimes).
I was married in 1974 and later divorced. I married Bob Morris in 1985. We have two children, Christopher, 13 years old and Tiffany Page, 3 years old.
We now live happily and remotely just outside of Salt Lake City, west of a little town called Herriman. Bob and I have been very fortunate to have done a lot of traveling which is how we can stand our little town.
Mostly I can't believe it has taken me 20 years to do this. It seemed a lot busier.