Debora Peterson Carn
1076 E. 1150 N.
Orem, UT 84097
(801) 224-0243
Comments from 2021:
I attended Weber State College from 1971-1973 and worked part-time as a secretary while attending Weber State. I received an associate degree then transferred to BYU for two yrs majoring in Business Education and worked in the Zoology Dept. part-time. I returned to Ogden in 1976 and worked in Human Services/Social Services. I met and married Tom Carn, a 1970 Bonneville High graduate. We married in the Ogden LDS Temple November 25, 1977. He graduated from Weber State College in 1977 In Chemistry. We lived in Ogden for 1 year then moved to SLC where he attended Medical school at the U of U. I worked for the State of Utah in Social Services for 1 yr. until I had our first baby during his 2 yr of medical school. I quit working and raised two daughters while at the U. We then moved back to Ogden for a Family Practice Residency Program at the McKay-Dee Hospital and resided there for three yrs. We raised another baby while living there. We then moved to Orem after he completed residency and have lived here for 35 yrs. We had another two children a boy and a girl, giving us 5 beautiful children and presently 15 grandchildren. We have been blessed with 3 wonderful son -in -laws and two beautiful daughter-in-laws. We are fortunate that they all live in Highland and Lehi. I have been fortuntate to be a stay- at-home mom and have enjoyed taking classes and serving in the church in varioius callings. I started playing tennis 27 yrs ago when our youngest started kindergarted. I have served in our community and the medical alliance for spouses doing a variety of community service. I serve in the Provo Temple and also teach preschool through 6th grade. We have been a very active family in sports and attending our childrens and grandchildrens sports and other extra curricular activities. We enjoy traveling and have enjoyed many family vacations to various countries. We own our own boat and side x side and have enjoyed many different locations. I still enjoy tennis, along with golfing, pickleball, biking, hiking, gardening, and babysitting my grandchildren. I love serving in the church and our lovely community. We are huge BYU fans and haved served in various callings At BYU.Comments from 1991:
After OHS, I attended Weber State College for two years and received an associate degree in Office Administration. While there, I was affiliated with LaDianeda Sorority. I then traveled south to the "zoo" at BYU in Happy Valley with several friends. I found it not only fun but also challenging (wearing a dress everyday was a bit too much at times). After BYU, I was employed at the State and worked for Social Services in Ogden and Salt Lake City. During this time, I met and married Tom Carn, a 1970 graduate of Bonneville High.
He was accepted at the U. of U. Medical School, so off to the big city we went for four years of poverty, but also great memories at University Village, a married student housing complex. There we found out Happy Valley didn't have the only "zoo" in Utah. There were kids everywhere, including two of our own.
At the end of medical school, our roots pulled us back to Ogden where Tom completed a three-year residency program at McKay Hospital. When the residency ended, we went back to Happy Valley to search for the gold at the end of the rainbow (we're still searching)! Actually, we love living in Orem where Tom is enjoying a very busy practice, and must admit, we are avid BYU fans.
I am a full-time mother of five (three girls and two boys). I've stayed active raising and chasing them, traveling to far off wonderful places and been actively involved with the Medical Wives Auxiliary. I enjoy singing and performing with a small group of medical wives at community and church events--Lawrence Welk would be proud--book early, operators are standing by!
Now, if this isn't enough, for some extra fun, I've taken up the game of golf just so I can see my husband once in a while and seek a little solitude of my own out in the woods!